A function to get whether a text entry is being used. Local alliance = self: GetSharedVar( "alliance ") Local rank = self: GetSharedVar( "rank ") Return self: GetSharedVar( "rank ") = RANK_MAJ A function to get whether a player is a leader. A function to get whether a player is bad. Return self: GetSharedVar( "honor ") >= 50 A function to get whether a player is good. Local playerMeta = FindMetaTable( "Player ") filtered, nil, victim, " has been killed by ", info. chatBox: RegisterClass( "killed ", "ooc ", function( info)Ĭlockwork. Their total bounty is ", Color( 139, 174, 179, 255), tostring(Clockwork. chatBox: RegisterClass( "bounty ", "ooc ", function( info)Ĭlockwork. chatBox: RegisterClass( "victory ", "ooc ", function( info)Ĭlockwork. chatBox: RegisterClass( "radio ", "ic ", function( info)Ĭlockwork. datastream: Hook( "ClearEffects ", function( data)Ĭlockwork. PlaySound( "hl1/fvox/flatline.wav ") Ĭlockwork. If ( IsValid(entity) and entity: IsPlayer()) then datastream: Hook( "DealDmg ", function( data) datastream: Hook( "TargetOutline ", function( data) datastream: Hook( "HotkeyMenu ", function( data)įor k, v in pairs(PhaseFour. notepadPanel: Populate(data or " ") Ĭlockwork. datastream: Hook( "Notepad ", function( data) kernel: RunCommand( "SetFreq ", text) Ĭlockwork. datastream: Hook( "Frequency ", function( data)ĭerma_StringRequest( "Frequency ", "What would you like to set the frequency to? ", data, function( text)Ĭlockwork. config: AddToSystem( "Maximum safebox weight ", "max_safebox_weight ", "The maximum weight a player's safebox can hold. config: AddToSystem( "Alliance cost ", "alliance_cost ", "The amount of cash it costs to create an alliance. config: AddToSystem( "Intro text big ", "intro_text_big ", "The big text displayed for the introduction. config: AddToSystem( "Intro text small ", "intro_text_small ", "The small text displayed for the introduction. kernel: RestoreSchemaData( "hotkeys ") Ĭlockwork.

laserSprite = Material( "sprites/glow04_noz ") Each weapon has an arc hit tracing, custom range and push back on damage, two handed weapons can also push players and npcs with the secondary attack. heartbeatPoint = Material( "sprites/glow04_noz ") A compilation of melee sweps based on object found in the Half-Life 2 and episodes games. Contributors are welcome to fork their own maintaned version of Clockwork: HL2RP, as well as open pull requests. heartbeatOverlay = Material( "effects/combine_binocoverlay ") As of March 2021, since the relicensing of Clockwork as MIT and the deprecation of CloudAuthX, the Clockwork: HL2RP schema is no longer being actively maintained, supported, or developed. heartbeatGradient = Material( "gui/gradient_down ") © 2013 do not share, re-distribute or modify